Encouraging Resources

Good Out of Bad-Empathy

March 30, 2020

I went to the store last week and like most places the shelves were bare.  We couldn't get any milk or eggs that we were wanting.  The grocery store was packed full of people that were in line just trying to get whatever they could.  There was a fear that the food that they so desperately wanted and needed would be gone.  It was an incredible thing to be a part of and see.  As I went home, it struck me that while this is a crazy season in the lives of Americans this is a normal day for so many around the world. 

I have had the privilege of traveling to Venezuela in 2006 and my heart often goes there when I hear about the food shortage that is there.  Many in that country have lost more than 20lbs due to the lack of nutrition.  We in the United States have been so financially blessed to have good food that is readily available.   One good thing that has come about from this situation has been the growth in empathy for the rest of the world.  The Bible teaches us that empathy is a very Godly thing.

Romans 12:15-Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 

May we hurt for those around the world who live like this on a regular basis and do what we can to help.   May we always be thankful the undeserved blessing of God's provision.

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